
Preparing Young Hearts
and Minds

Two Elementary Campuses,
Medina and Woodinville

Grades K-6


Building a Foundation

Elementary students are building a foundation of Biblical teaching, math, science, social studies, and English. Our expert teachers differentiate instruction to meet each student’s unique learning needs. Right-sized classes and the presence of Educational Assistants (EAs) ensures each student receives attention and care.

Care and Attention

Each elementary classroom has an additional Educational Assistant (EA) tasked with supporting classroom instruction and ensuring campus safety.

Critical Thinking and Skill Development

Academic preparation is facilitated by classroom teachers and supported by on-campus specialists in music, art, technology, library services, and physical education. Students in third grade and above can access advanced math classes.

Discipleship Focus

Students participate in weekly chapel, practice prayer, and memorize Bible verses. Our Teaching for Transformation framework integrates academic exploration with our love for God.

Social and Emotional Learning

Our learning goals for each child include practicing Christian character and developing emotional awareness.



At BCS, we begin teaching cursive in 2nd grade. There are strong evidence-based benefits of this practice, including developing cognitive skills, motor coordination, and creative expression.
Next Step

Connect with us!

BCS has been preparing students to live faithfully for Christ for over 70 years. We serve students in grades Preschool to Grade 12 on three campuses in Woodinville, Medina and Clyde Hill. Contact our Admissions Team today to find out how we can help your student succeed academically, socially and spiritually.

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