AP Physics 2

AP Physics 1


Full Year



You had phun in AP Physics 1, so let’s keep going! Last year your study of God’s creative genius focused on things you could see and touch. In AP Physics 2 you will go deeper into the magic realms of the invisible!

  • Dive deep into the study of fluids and breathe the mystery of gases
  • Be shocked at electricity and feel strangely attracted to magnetism. You will see the light that is visible and experience invisible light from radar waves to gamma radiation
  • Be blown away by nuclear and atomic physics. Photons, positive electrons, pulling neutrons and electrons out of protons (yep!)
  • Like AP Physics 1, AP 2 emphasizes concepts, not math.
  • The homework load varies from one to four hours per week. You will develop college-level skills in physics, time management, collaboration strategies, and academic maturity. And you will have fun



AP Physics 1


AP exam